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Friday, 20 June 2014

Fly Me To.... Majorca (Mallorca Si?!)

Good morning people, I have returned from my mini-break with my friend!

To sum it up: good relaxation, great weather and even better company! There is nothing quite like jetting off for a short trip to lie under the sun and experience a touch of the Spanish language. If it were France one might say "Ooh-la-la" - I don't know what the Spanish version of this might be.

Both me and my friend wanted a cheap and cheerful break to somewhere not so far for 5 days, I searched for weeks and ended up avoiding a package holiday, instead choosing to book with Easyjet (because, you know, you can take your mini suitcase to save cost and not have to wait at the other end of the flight for the baggage to come through), searching for a good hotel that is not too pricey (I recommend searching with Trivago or Hotels Combined) and then searching for transfers on various local websites for the best deal, I recommend 3-4 so you can get a good range of quotes!

The best part is this trip only cost us £196 each, with a half board hotel (breakfast and dinner included) - the hotel was also an adults only hotel yay! So no screaming children splashing you :-)

Don't be afraid to book components separately - it's not as scary as it sounds and probably worked out £200 cheaper each so proves it's definitely worth investigating.

Alas please find some snaps below of my trip, Mallorca es muy hermoso!

"A buen entendedor, pocas palabras bastan"
"To someone with good understanding, only a few words are necessary"

Friday, 13 June 2014

Sunny Sunny Holiday Wahey!

So just a quick one to say I'm off on my girly trip to Majorca tomorrow for sun, sea and sunbathing wahoo! Will update you all on my return.

Currently my mood is something between happy and in pain with excitement :-/

“There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.”
Robert Louis Stevenson

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Shaftesbury Festival 2014 - Gold Hill Cheese Race

What a fantastic day! I hope everyone else has had a great day today, especially as it started miserable and grey and has turned our sunny, warm and clear blue skies.

We had Shaftesbury Festival today, which is a really fab town event, everyone seems to get involved. I always thought it might be 5 stalls selling arts and crafts, but I was wrong. I went last year and was blown away by how 'all-out' the town goes. Food, clothing, crafts and gift stalls fill the high street and on Park Walk (a footpath area with an incredible view) even more to do, things for the kids including face painting and games, and even cookery demonstrations. This year when I saw the dates it was on I had it down as a must immediately.

I took lots of photos to show the treats we had in store :-)

This is Park Walk with lots of stalls, lots of local produce!

These cupcakes we a must try and they were wonderul!

Bought a selection of goodies from the Godminster Organic stall for Charlie as he was working all day. Here we have their fruit cake, chutney, digestive biscuits and heart shaped waxed cheddar - 4 of the best products by one of the best local companies!

And finally these photos are from the big cheese races that take place. GIANT cheeses weighing about 20kg are donated by a local company and from 11:30 a cheese race happens every hour. The contestants have to each carry their cheese down the bottom of the famous landmark Gold Hill (from the Hovis advert many years ago) and race to the top! It sounds silly, yet a lot of people come to watch and a lot of people volunteer to take part!

It's wonderful having such a great local community that we can make these events possible, and the sunshine definitely helped make it even more enjoyable today :-)

Thanks for reading, be back soon!

"I went into a French restaraunt and asked the waiter, 'Have you got frog's legs?' He said, 'Yes,' so I said, 'Well hop into the kitchen and get me a cheese sandwich.'"
Tommy Cooper